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Nunc sed
Vivamus feugiat, lectus ut porta pretium

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce et neque et tellus posuere gravida. Vivamus pharetra malesuada tellus. Mauris eu urna in lacus sodales lacinia. Quisque ut tempus nibh. Nunc congue molestie fermentum. Ut auctor, massa ac imperdiet venenatis, ipsum arcu ultrices orci, vel accumsan neque tortor eu augue. Sed vitae scelerisque orci, sed sagittis nisi. Nullam vel quam tempus, consequat justo id, dictum dolor.

Thank you for being a loyal Grasshopper customer; it's an honor to partner with you and help to power your business. We’re excited to announce that Grasshopper Connect is becoming part of our flagship Grasshopper solution on January 7, 2021. Beyond this date, Grasshopper Connect will no longer be available.

You can switch to Grasshopper as soon as you’re ready. If you do not switch before January 7, 2021, we’ll make the switch at that time.

To migrate now, fill out the form. Once you fill out the form, our team will get started on your migration which will be completed within one business day.

Once your account has been migrated, you will no longer have access to Grasshopper Connect, and will be able to access to Grasshopper.

We will send you a confirmation and next steps once that change has been made.

Fill out the form to opt in to the migration.